Contact Us
To contact us directly, please use the address, phone number or contact form at the foot of this page. Before doing so, however, please read the following information about other methods of seeking our help since these may be more appropriate in specific cases.
Serving Soldiers and Families
Serving personnel and their families should always contact their Unit Welfare Officer (UWO) in the first instance if they have a welfare issue. The UWOs and their teams have the experience and expertise to help, and most problems can be resolved quickly and efficiently. The serving community is also catered for by the Army Welfare Service (AWS) and two service charities, The Royal British Legion (TRBL) and SSAFA. Your UWO will be able to guide you in the event of these organisations being required in helping you resolve your welfare issue.
UWO 1 Para:
Tel: 01446 790122
UWO 2 Para:
Tel: 01206 816238 Duty Mobile: 07947192559
UWO 3 Para:
Tel: 01206 816524 Duty Mobile: 07766498176
Veterans and Dependants
Veterans who served as soldiers in The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces and who require welfare assistance should contact either The Royal British Legion (TRBL) or the SSAFA The Armed Forces Charity. A caseworker from one of these organisations will assess your requirements and will approach the military benevolent funds on your behalf. If your need falls within the objectives of the Regimental charities we will offer financial assistance via the caseworker organisation. TRBL and SSAFA have professional, trained and experienced caseworkers who are best placed to assist you and who have access to many other service and civilian charities and agencies as well as to Support Our Paras. Eligibility for assistance to Support Our Paras is passing P Company and/or the parachute jumps course.
The Royal British Legion:
Tel: 0808 802 8080
Tel: 0800 260 6767
Website: Find local branch | SSAFA
Veterans who served as commissioned officers in The Parachute Regiment should apply for assistance through the Officers’ Association (OA). They will approach RHQ PARA and other charities on your behalf if appropriate.
Officers’ Association:
Tel: 020 7808 4175
Airborne Forces Veterans
Veterans of the Airborne Forces may be eligible for assistance from the Support Our Paras but any applications must be made through TRBL, SSAFA or the OA. If in doubt, personnel should approach their parent regiment or corps regimental headquarters for advice.
Support Our Paras Welfare
Head of Welfare 07702 190685
Welfare Manager 07340 347136
Career Transition Officer 07944 558780
Postal Address: Welfare Team, SUPPORT OUR PARAS, RHQ PARA, Merville Barracks, COLCHESTER, CO2 7UT