Employment and Training
Employment and Training
The jobs featured on this page are especially suited to Service personnel and most soldiers and veterans from The Parachute Regiment possess the sort of skills employers find desirable. Please look through the jobs shown below – these are only a small selection. Follow the links to the employment agencies shown for further information and to see the full range of opportunities currently available.
Soldiers are able to access a range of facilities for learning and training whilst still serving and during their resettlement phase. These include Standard Learning Credits (SLC), Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC) and Individual Resettlement Training Costs (IRTC). Serving personnel should contact their Education Officer for more details.
Those who face medical discharge through WIS or RECU are able to access further support from the Regimental charities. Please speak to your unit Line Managers for further details or to arrange an appointment with the Regimental Welfare Officer – the earlier in your discharge process the better! The CTO can be contacted on CTO@supportourparas.org 07944558780.